6 Moving Tips

1. ORGANIZE (Necessary!)
The absolutely #1 most important tip is to organize. The more organized you are when we show up to move, the quicker everything will go. The best way to do this is to pack everything room by room ( ex. pack the living room separate from the master bedroom and the kitchen items separate from other rooms in the house). After packing the items, label the boxes and items according to what room they will go in at the location you are moving to. This will save time on your moving day, which will save you money! when you book our packing services, you do not have to deal with the stresses of packing and organizing. our professionals take care of all of the tedious wrapping, packing, and organizing.

2. LIGHTEN UP (Out with the old, in with the new)
When moving, you have to go through things that you often times don’t have time to go through. This is the perfect time to lighten your load. This is when you decide whether or not you really NEED everything that you have. A good rule of thumb is if you have not used it or worn it in a year, it may be a good time to let it go. There are many organizations that can take the items you don’t need and put them to good use by getting them to people and families that really need them. This will also save you money by only paying to move items that you really want to keep and can even be a tax deduction at the end of the year for donations. Or, if you need some extra money, set some items aside to sell online or in a garage sale.

3. PACK IT UP (The fun stuff)
Packing can be a very tedious task. If you do not want to deal with the hassle of packing, our professional packers are on standby, ready to pack your whole house. We come with plenty of supplies and expertise to pack your house up in half the time it would take the average family.but if you are going to handle this aspect of moving we have some suggestions. For large tv’s and other similar items, if you have the original box this is the ideal packaging for moving these items. For heavy items, such as books, use small boxes to avoid packing overly heavy boxes. Also, use packing tape. Packing tape adheres to boxes and will ensure the boxes are sturdy enough to make it to your destination. For fragile items, purchase some bubble wrap. It may be more expensive than that 50 cent newspaper, but it is much more reliable when keeping your items from breaking. Also, make sure you set aside a box for cleaning supplies that you will need for your new place after moving in and pack an overnight bag with a set of clothes, towels and toiletries until you can unpack the next day.

4. TIMING (Time is limited)
Moving requires a lot of scheduling. To make sure you don’t forget anything throughout the move it is important to make lists and use a calendar so that you don’t forget any important dates. Some common things that have to be scheduled are utilities (electricity, water, gas), cable/satellite, internet, alarm, etc. They need to be scheduled to be disconnected at your current residence and connected at your new residence at least a week (preferably two) prior to your scheduled move date. Also, you will need to schedule a change of address with the post office to ensure your mail is redirected.

5. PERISHABLES (When good groceries go bad)
Food is a necessity but can become quite a hassle when moving. It is nearly impossible to move a refrigerator filled with groceries and not have a mess on your hands. This means having to empty all of the contents of your refrigerator into a cooler on move day and transport them to your new residence. This can be quite stressful. We recommend you avoid purchasing any more groceries a week prior to moving and use up items in your freezer and refrigerator throughout the week. Also, 24 hours before moving you should start thawing out your freezer. This will allow you to thoroughly clean out your refrigerator once you get it to your new residence.

6. WIRING (The nuts and bolts)
Have you ever undone your electronics only to forget how they were wired? This is quite common and we have an easy way to fix this problem. Take a picture it lasts longer! If you take a picture of how your electronics are wired, you will save yourself a lot of time when it comes time to rewiring everything. This is very helpful when moving because there are so many more important things that need to be done besides sitting behind your tv for hours trying to hook everything up.
We are confident that this list of tips will be helpful for you. If you have not already, call us at 1-855-795-MOVE(6683) or enter your information into our request a quote form to get your free estimate. We look forward to reducing the stresses of moving